
Wake on lan

Published @ 23-05-2022

#esp8266 #relay #hack #telegram

A scuffed WakeOnLan hardware implementation.

So I had this laptop lying around that I setup as a server to sync files between my laptop and pc.
But having it running 24/7 seemed like a waste.
Initialliy I wanted to use WakeOnLan to remotely switch on the laptop, but after messing around I found out the motherboard didn’t support it. No problem though; time to pull out the esp8266 and a relay, and do something similar.

The code and wiring is fairly simple you can check it out over here

“Installation” ☠️

After opening the laptop I had a look at the pcb that the power button was mounted on and broke it accidentally. So I just soldered the wires straight to the ribbon cable.

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It works really great just send the telegram bot a message and 🛎️ server booting up… img

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