

Published @ 10-03-2024

#raycaster #c #codam #graphics

A wolfenstein clone written in C.

The project’s goal was to create wolfenstein’esque game, this was a group project so Yesim and I teamed up together for this one.

The repo is over here


  • Floor and ceiling textures.
  • Recessed doors that can be opened with the F key.
  • Billboard style sprite rendering, which can be defined in the .cub file.
  • Mouse support.
  • Minimap with zoom.
  • Comic Sans font rendering 🤓.


The program takes a .cub file which contains some key value pairs, and the actual map layout.

NO Path to north wall texture.
SO Path to south wall texture.
EA Path to east wall texture.
WE Path to west wall texture.
F Path to a floor texture or an RGB color value.
C Path to a ceiling texture or an RGB color value.
D Path to a door texture.
SP Path to a sprite texture, seperated by a space and follwed by the sprite’s coordinates in the map.

The map layout has the following values

N/S/E/W The player’s starting position with a certain orientation.
0 Empty tile or simply a floor tile.
1 Collidable wall.
D Openable door.

What is a raycaster?

— Raycasting is a rendering technique to create a 3D perspective in a 2D map.

It works by drawing a lot of lines (with a varying angle) from the players position through the map up until it hits a non-collidable tile. When it detects a hit we can get its tiletype (e.g a wall, door or sprite) and can render it using the rays length, drawing the texture’s size proportional to the distance of the player.
For a more detailed explanation take a look over here.

Game loop

Because we wanted to game to run with a variable framerate, we had to do some research on gameloops and seperating the rendering part of the code from the game logic.
This is a great resource for just that.



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